Pleased to meet you

My name is Jeremiah. I'm passionate about software engineering, always striving to build pixel-perfect, accessible, scalable applications to deliver a polished experience to the user. With nearly a decade working on the front end, I've been extremely fortunate to work with and learn from a diverse group of talented engineers and designers to whom I owe a debt of gratitude.

Attention to detail and adherence to industry best practices have allowed me to maintain a strong track record of building and servicing enterprise level websites throughout the stack, from React SPAs to .Net MVC Projects to custom Wordpress themes and plugins.

I just enjoy building stuff. It's fun. If you have a project you'd like to discuss, I'd love to hear from you.

Send me a message

How can I help?

Front End

From large, complex websites to single page apps and landing pages, I've built a wide variety of projects. I enjoy iterating over a design until all the little kinks are worked out. Does it work on mobile? Of course it works on mobile. And it's fast. And you'll be able to update it yourself. And it'll be all those buzzwords you've heard about in marketing meetings.

  • HTML5
  • CSS3
  • Sass/SCSS
  • JavaScript
  • React
  • jQuery
  • Webpack
  • Babel
  • Bootstrap
  • Responsive Design
  • SVG
  • JSON
  • XML
  • Ajax
  • Cross-Browser Compatibility
  • Page Speed Optimization
  • Accessibility
  • SEO

Back End

While I primarily work on the UI layer, I'm also comfortable working on the back end. I've built, maintained and deployed a good number of Wordpress sites, have several years of experience using .Net MVC with C#, Node, Express, LAMP, XAMPP, SCRAMP (made that one up). I prefer the front end but I can do a little damage on the back end as well.

  • .Net
  • MVC
  • C#
  • REST
  • Redis
  • SQL
  • MySQL
  • PHP
  • Wordpress
  • Node
  • Express
  • Python


Not an exhaustive list, but here are some of the tools I use on a regular basis. I'm always learning new things, so this list is as outdated as last month's newest JS library.

  • Git
  • Github
  • Gulp
  • Grunt
  • Bash
  • CLI
  • NPM
  • VS Code
  • Visual Studio
  • Dev Tools
  • Agile/Scrum
  • Jira
  • TFS
  • Photoshop
  • Sketch
  • Figma
  • Google Analytics
  • Google Tag Manager

Here's some of my work

Sites come and go, and I've been working long enough to see companies go out of business, get acquired, or simply redesign their site. Here's a handful of the sites I've worked on that are still live. I've worked on many more, so if you're interested in seeing more, please send me a message. is the website for the American Council on Exercise, a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting health and wellness. I'm currently employed by ACE as the primary front end developer among a team of other talented engineers. I've worked on a number of projects, including a complete redesign of the site, a reusable React Component Library, a React SPA, and various internal tools used cross-departmentally.

Live Persea

Live Persea is a luxury apartment community in San Diego, CA. I built the site from the ground up in collaboration with web designer Rick Burritt. The site is built on Wordpress with a custom theme and plugins. I also built an integration for accessing the real-time availability of their units along with a floor plan viewer.

Fraser Decks and Patio Covers

Fraser Decks and Patio Covers is a deck and patio cover contractor in Southern California. The designs were provided by Kyle Covey and I handled development and content creation for the Wordpress theme.

Orion Pacific

Orion Pacific is a real estate investment and development firm. Working again with designer Rick Burritt, this site was built on Wordpress with a custom theme.

Tuscany Pavers

Tuscany Pavers is a paving stone installer in Southern California. Kyle Covey designed the site and I developed the custom Wordpress theme.

Say hello before you go